Miss Indonesia finally make a move from Nadine Chandrawinata to Agni Pratistha Arkadewi Kuswardono, 18. Finalist of the Central Java last night crowned as Miss Indonesia 2006 in Teather Tanah Air my area of Indonesia miniature Respected ( TMII), Jakarta. Agni become Miss Indonesia is young in this time.

Besides pocketing this title, girl of birth of Canberra 8 December 1987 that also entitled to represent Indonesia to international place Miss Universe 2007. " I very happy. I not at all number," she said happy. Struggle Of Agni reach for Miss Indonesia title is long enough. Agni with 37 other finalist experience quarantine in Nikko, Hotel, Jakarta, since 15 August was last. High girl 175 cm and heavy 59 the kg also have to answer one question of key, that is expressing opinion concerning important meaning of terrestrial region and or ocean for Indonesia.

" Indonesia do not know motherland and or fatherland. Indonesia only single mentioning nation with my "land and water"," she said setled. Through the answer, Agni expressed most [is] entitled to gird auriferous crown turned white for the price of Rp 25 million the, besides getting ticket to Miss Universe 2007.

She also entitled to to saving present Rp 25 million, monthly salary, apartment on duty, car on duty, some sponsors products, bursary in Training and education institute ( LPPMS) Mooryati, Soedibyo, and bursary from London School of Public Relation.agni pratistha Meanwhile, grand jury consisting of Kusumadewi Dewi Motik, Pramono, Rudi, Pesik, Indriati, Ardika, Ambar Y. Suhardi Dian M. Soedarjo Todung Mulya, Lubis, Annie Savitri, Baskoro, and Eko Djatmiko coronate other title. That is, runner-up I Miss Indonesia Ananda and runner-up II Rahma M. Landy.

Title Miss attribute, that is Miss Favorit, reached by Indri D. Porosi ( South-East Sulawesi), Miss Indonesia Pariwisata Rahma M. Landy ( DKI), Friendship Of My Child ( Kalsel), and Miss Bakat Jaswin ( Jatim). Meanwhile, new title in this election, that is Miss Archipelago fall to Noviana Susilowati ( South Sulawesi). Of finalists which admissions of ten large of average of showing the ability is in hand foreign language. Start English till Dutch showing Laurencia Muljadi ( DKI) and practiceed by Indian Jaswin ( East Java). Do not only that, Three between the five finalist large is medical coed.

According to grand jury chief Kusumadewi, this year finalist truely better qualityly compared by year before all. " From beauty and the brain is truely nicer this year," he said. She hope, Miss Indonesia is chosen can implement duty as ambasador woman of Indonesia. Guided by Event Ferdi Hasan and Alya Rohali attend some singers of board of to Indonesias. Start Agnes, Monica, Tompi Christopher, Abimanyu, and BinuSukaman.

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